Today, I've been doing a million errands and small jobs. And as it is officially "Be A Total Jerk At the Grocery Store Because YOU Are The Only One Who Still Needs Something For Thanksgiving" season, I've needed to do small things to make me happy. Today I worked on a few ATC's in between laundry, raking leaves, shopping, etc etc. If you're not familiar, the ATC is the Artist Trading Cards. There are a lot of ways to go with this little buggers. The only rule is that they are of a uniform size (2x3 inches) and that they are NOT for sale, they are for trade. Of course, there are artists out there who create such MAGNIFICENT works that they simply MUST sell them (note sarcasm) that you can sell them as limited edition some sort of nonsense or other.
Also, people do all kinds of things with these. From textiles, to collage, painting, name it. I of course, just paint mine. And almost always in watercolor for the simplicity and speed.
Like my rant on 'journaling for journaling's sake, where people get so caught up in creating this masterpiece of work in a journal that will earn a spot in great libraries like Da Vinci's codex...again with the sarcasm. I think I'm hungry. Anyway. I think that the ATC should be a quick outlet to create something transient. After all, the point is to trade them away. Sometimes I work out compositions for larger works, or just play with color, or...whatever.
So, here are two that I did today. Enjoy.