Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Back in the saddle

Breaking out of the rut isnt easy. Sometimes you just have to sit and make yourself do something. I've had a lot of ideas of things I wanted to paint lately, but as I said, I'm just not in the mood. So, I decided, after a pep talk with my gal pals, to just get to work, so I did. I don't normally paint in this style, so loose and ala prima, but...today I did. This painting is 20x20 and I've more or less gotten to a stopping point in two sittings. It's kind of fun, working so loose. I don't think I'll change styles (again) any time soon, but it was a nice one to get back on the horse with.

a very rough sketch just to block in the composition.

chunking in big blocks of color. working to establish shadows.

Done-ish. I'm sure that I'll futz around and probably over work it, but I've gotten to a point at least this evening where I'm satisfied with this for what it is.
I guess this is my -following my own advice and getting off my derriere and putting paint to canvas. Other than teaching, I have a lot of free time tomorrow. My goal is to get another at least started if not finished. Here's hopin.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Dreaded RUT

If you are a creative person of any sort, I'm sure you have had days where you could do no wrong, where the least effort produced the best recipe, the greatest knitting, or the most glorious masterpiece oil painting...ever. But...if you are a creative person, I'm sure you have also had days where you start out maybe gung-ho, head up to the studio, clap your hands together in a 'let's do 'dis' kind of way and then..."oooh, let me check my email, download a picture, look at funny pictures of cats, vacuum, play with the dog, open the windows, shut the windows, straighten a picture that wasnt crooked to start with... and get...nothing....done.
Welcome to my day. Actually, welcome to my last few weeks. The dreaded rut.
Some ruts are blamable (is that a word? blame-able?) on external sources, you're sick, scheduling conflict, lack of materials, but other times...like the last few weeks, I just don't feel like it. Call it depression, call it exhaustion, call it PMS, call it...Wednesday. whatever.
I sketch, I plan. I have solid gold plated-buy it now on Ebay-intentions, and then...pbffft.
Now this is where I punch you on the arm and say 'buck up little camper...here's whatcha do". but, no. I got nothin'. I tend, when in this mood, to either take a nap, or go get a bagel at Panera.
There are great inspirational catalysts to be sure. flip through an art book. lurk around artist forums and blogs, flip through any book by what's his face that wrote Everyday Matters. Look through and organize your references. Take your camera and wander around and snap some ref photos.
Today, I even know the painting I want to work on. I've sketched it out. I like the concept. But am I painting? No...I'm sitting here. Writing.
I think that any creative outlet will help. If you're in knitting rut, go bake something. If you are a painter, go write a poem. If you write music, go sketch people at a coffee shop. Change it up. Like working out different muscles in the gym. Grab a coloring book and a cup of tea.
So, what am I going to go do?
A bagel sounds pretty good. and that picture is still crooked.