Yesterday, I received a letter from the State of Virginia, where I used to live, about a jury questionnaire. It was all about seeing if I qualified for jury duty in Virginia. Seeing as I have resided in the state of Georgia for the past 4+ years...I'd bet not. However, there was a weird question. It said "have you lived in this state for the past year". It did not however, specify WHICH state it was referring to. The state that was inquiring, or the state to which they mailed it. I answered both YES and NO. That ought to throw them for a loop.
But...keeping in the theme of juries, yours truly was selected by a jury of her realistic peers to be in the 6th annual International Guild of Realism show in Santa Fe New Mexico. I'm pretty stoked. Especially, as I've entered several contests in the past few months and have mostly been handed my hat, so to speak. So...yeah me.
Just goes to show, whatever state you are in ...Virginia, Georgia...or even the state of denial, keep trying.
This is the painting that made it in.